▶flyer design by HRK:S
歌舞伎町コマ劇場裏にある黒壁のライヴハウス 地下一階と二階 迫力ある音響や凄い音圧と綺麗な照明 Midnight★Mess開催時は白い生地を使ったBAT CAVEなデコレーションを施しブラックライト使用の為、妖しくダークな雰囲気と爆音の中、ライヴやDJ、ショーをお楽しみ頂けます★
■新宿区歌舞伎町2-45-1 第一トキワビルB1F
Dai-Ichi Tokiwa B1F,Kabuki-cho2-45-1, Shinjuku,Tokyo TEL03-3202-8248
Coin lockers are available. located at the bar space.
*地下なので携帯の電波はau以外は殆ど入りません- No reception for mobil phone (au,FOMA have possibility to recieve email)
*drinks are all 500yen.Please purchase DRINK COIN at vending machine next to the bar counter.
Midnight★Mess HP
★myspace★ ★mixi community★
2008年も毎月第四土曜に開催!!>>every 4th saturday of each month @MARZ!!
▶flyer design 皐月
>>Every 4th Saturday @MARZ 毎第四土曜深夜マーズにて開催 !!
+Gothic+Fetish+Dark+Experimental+Industrial+ ■Underground Dance Club!!
●24:00 'till dawn,,, @Shinjuku Marz TEL03-3202-8248
★Dress coded 2500yen ★Advanced or w/Flyer 3000yen ★Door 3500yen *1d込み
- DRESS CODE - *ドレスコード割引♪
Dressd in RED or WHITE - 赤か白の衣裳(赤と白両方でもOK!!)
- CAST -
【 司会 】 *わが歌姫(?!)セリア君とオーガナイザー マヤのコンビ♪
Selia & MAYA >>myspace
【 Baroque OPERA & LUTE 】 ~SELIA~ ★myspace★
【 LIVE 】 ZETA *3人のアーティストのよる新ユニット!!
*A new and extremely dark "supergroup" formed by 3 very different electronic musicians.
●MJR - Guitar.
Creator and percussionist of ethnic glitch'n'bass unit "Control Freak". myspace
●Luke Chaos - Vocal.
Leader and DJ of ultra-heavy hip-hop performance group "Chaos Royale". myspace
●aCid - Rhythm.
Composer creating Drill'n'Bass, Techno and Ambient as "Lord aCid".
【 FETISH/GOTHIC Shop Booth 】 GRAVE DIGGER (Harajuku,Tokyo) [community]
- ResidentZ -
◆VJ光臨 http://calling.jpn.cx
◆DJ STATIK >>EBM,Dark Electro,Technoid,Industrial
◆DJ TE2 >>Post Punk,New wave,Bad Cave,Industrial
◆DOOR/FLOOR †mess★dolls†
◆Organize & DJ◆ Mistress MAYA
>>Dark Electro >Industrial Rock >Technoid >Breakcore etc,,
Just bring your body. your mind will follow,,,
【 Reservation 】maya@midnightmess.com
★Please provide your name,number of your party and send email by 24:00 of Dec.21st.
【 !!Bring your ID!! 】-Enter 18 and over+Alcohol sold to 20 and over-
【 要ID 】深夜イベントですので入場18歳以上 / 酒類販売20歳以上 となります
皆様の御来場心よりお待ちしております We are looking forward to seeing you!!