御来場ありがとうございました!!Thank you so much to everyone who came!!!!
Mistress MAYA would like to thank all the artist who performed and the staff who supported her.
THANX to "CHAOS ROYALE" for appearing as Secret Guest!!
■Special Guest live■
COVENANT Special mini live set by Eskil Simonsson
MIXI topic http://mixi.jp/view_bbs.pl?id=35073263&comm_id=757808
ベルギーのWEB-ZIN "SIDE-LINE"に掲載されました ★LIVE report posted on 02 Oct, 2008
▶Special Thanx to すきすきエレポ
GrindHouse MAGAZINE51号(11/31発売)にライヴレポートが掲載されます。
▶Special Thanx to HIRO ARISHIMA/GrindHouse
Special Thanx to all you supported us!!
6th Anniversary!!
Thank you so much for your SUPPORT!! おかげ様で6周年!!
▶ MODEL: Mistress MAYA & Selia ▶ PHOTOGRAPHER: Kousuke ▶ Flyer Design: HRK:S
■撮影■ VIDEO
■撮影■ PHOTO
You don't know what we share, how we care...